Source code for spgl1

from __future__ import division, absolute_import
import logging
import time
import numpy as np

from scipy.sparse import spdiags
from scipy.sparse.linalg import aslinearoperator, LinearOperator, lsqr

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Size of info vector in case of infinite iterations
_allocSize = 10000

# Machine epsilon
_eps = np.spacing(1)

# Exit conditions (constants).
EXIT_CONVERGED_spgline = 0
EXIT_NODESCENT_spgline = 2

# private classes
class _LSQRprod(LinearOperator):
    """LSQR operator.

    This operator is used to augument the spgl1 operator during subspace
    minimization via LSQR.
    def __init__(self, A, nnz_idx, ebar, n):
        self.A = A
        self.nnz_idd = nnz_idx
        self.ebar = ebar
        self.nbar = np.size(ebar)
        self.n = n
        self.shape = (A.shape[0], self.nbar)
        self.dtype = A.dtype
    def _matvec(self, x):
        y = np.zeros(self.n, dtype=x.dtype)
        y[self.nnz_idd] = \
            x - (1. / self.nbar) *,
                                                 x), self.ebar)
        z = self.A.matvec(y)
        return z
    def _rmatvec(self, x):
        y = self.A.rmatvec(x)
        z = y[self.nnz_idd] - \
            (1. / self.nbar) *,
                                             y[self.nnz_idd]), self.ebar)
        return z

class _blockdiag(LinearOperator):
    """Block-diagonal operator.

    This operator is created to work with the spg_mmv solver, which solves
    a multi-measurement basis pursuit denoise problem. Model and data are
    matrices of size ``N x G`` and ``M x G`` respectively,
    and the operator ``A`` is applied to each column of the vectors.
    def __init__(self, A, m, n, g):
        self.m = m
        self.n = n
        self.g = g
        self.A = A
        self.AH = A.H
        self.shape = (m*g, n*g)
        self.dtype = A.dtype
    def _matvec(self, x):
        x = x.reshape(self.n, self.g)
        y = self.A.matmat(x)
        return y.ravel()
    def _rmatvec(self, x):
        x = x.reshape(self.m, self.g)
        y = self.AH.matmat(x)
        return y.ravel()

# private methods
def _printf(fid, message):
    """Print a message in file (fid=file ID) or on screen (fid=None)
    if fid is None:

def _oneprojector_i(b, tau):
    n = b.size
    x = np.zeros(n, dtype=b.dtype)
    bNorm = np.linalg.norm(b, 1)

    if tau >= bNorm:
        return b.copy()
    elif tau < np.spacing(1):
        idx = np.argsort(b)[::-1]
        b = b[idx]

        csb = np.cumsum(b) - tau
        alpha = np.zeros(n + 1)
        alpha[1:] = csb / (np.arange(n) + 1.0)
        alphaindex = np.where(alpha[1:] >= b)[0]
        if alphaindex.any():
            alphaPrev = alpha[alphaindex[0]]
            alphaPrev = alpha[-1]

        x[idx] = b - alphaPrev
        x[x < 0] = 0
    return x

def _oneprojector_d(b, d, tau):
    n = b.size
    x = np.zeros(n, dtype=b.dtype)

    if tau >= np.linalg.norm(d*b, 1):
        x = b.copy()
    elif tau < np.spacing(1):
        # Preprocessing
        idx = np.argsort(b / d)[::-1]
        b = b[idx]
        d = d[idx]

        # Optimize
        csdb = np.cumsum(d*b)
        csd2 = np.cumsum(d*d)
        alpha1 = (csdb-tau)/csd2
        alpha2 = b/d
        ggg = np.where(alpha1 >= alpha2)[0]
        if ggg.size == 0:
            i = n
            i = ggg[0]
        if i > 0:
            soft = alpha1[i-1]
            x[idx[0:i]] = b[0:i] - d[0:i] * max(0, soft)
    return x

def _oneprojector_di(b, d, tau):
    if np.isscalar(d):
        p = _oneprojector_i(b, tau/abs(d))
        p = _oneprojector_d(b, d, tau)
    return p

[docs]def oneprojector(b, d, tau): """One projector. Projects b onto the (weighted) one-norm ball of radius tau. If d=1 solves the problem:: minimize_x ||b-x||_2 subject to ||x||_1 <= tau. else:: minimize_x ||b-x||_2 subject to ||Dx||_1 <= tau. Parameters ---------- b : ndarray Input vector to be projected. d : {ndarray, float} Weight vector (or scalar) tau : float Radius of one-norm ball. Returns ------- x : array_like Projected vector """ if not np.isscalar(d) and b.size != d.size: raise ValueError('vectors b and d must have the same length') if np.isscalar(d) and d == 0: x = b.copy() else: # Get sign of b and set to absolute values s = np.sign(b) b = np.abs(b) # Perform the projection if np.isscalar(d): x = _oneprojector_di(b, 1., tau/d) else: d = np.abs(d) # Get index of non-zero entries of d, set x equal b for others idx = np.where(d > np.spacing(1)) x = b.copy() x[idx] = _oneprojector_di(b[idx], d[idx], tau) # Restore signs in x x *= s.astype(x.dtype) return x
def _norm_l1_primal(x, weights): """L1 norm with weighted input vector Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Input array weights : {float, ndarray} Weights Returns ------- . : float L1 norm """ return np.linalg.norm(x*weights, 1) def _norm_l1_dual(x, weights): """L_inf norm with weighted input vector (dual to L1 norm) Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Input array weights : {float, ndarray} Weights Returns ------- . : float L_inf norm """ return np.linalg.norm(x/weights, np.inf) def _norm_l1_project(x, weights, tau): """Projection onto the one-norm ball Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Input array weights : {float, ndarray}, optional Weights tau : float Projection radius Returns ------- xproj : float Projected array """ if not np.iscomplexobj(x): xproj = oneprojector(x, weights, tau) else: xa = np.abs(x) idx = xa < _eps xc = oneprojector(xa, weights, tau) xc /= xa + 1e-10 xc[idx] = 0 xproj = x * xc return xproj def _norm_l12_primal(g, x, weights): """L1 norm with weighted input vector with number of groups equal to g Parameters ---------- g : int Number of groups x : ndarray Input array weights : {float, ndarray}, optional Weights Returns ------- nrm : float Group norm """ m = x.size // g xx = x.copy() xx = xx.reshape(m, g) if np.iscomplexobj(xx): xx = np.abs(xx) nrm = np.sum(weights * np.sqrt(np.sum(xx**2, axis=1))) return nrm def _norm_l12_dual(g, x, weights): """L_inf norm with weighted input vector with number of groups equal to g Parameters ---------- g : int Number of groups x : ndarray Input array weights : {float, ndarray}, optional Weights Returns ------- nrm : float Group norm """ m = x.size // g xx = x.copy() xx = xx.reshape(m, g) if np.iscomplexobj(xx): xx = np.abs(xx) nrm = np.linalg.norm(np.sqrt(np.sum(xx**2, axis=1))/weights, np.inf) return nrm def _norm_l12_project(g, x, weights, tau): """Projection with number of groups equal to g Parameters ---------- g : int Number of groups x : ndarray Input array weights : {float, ndarray}, optional Weights tau : float Projection radius Returns ------- x : float Projected array """ m = x.size // g xx = x.copy() xx = xx.reshape(m, g) if np.iscomplexobj(xx): xx = np.abs(xx) xa = np.sqrt(np.sum(xx**2, axis=1)) idx = xa < np.spacing(1) xc = oneprojector(xa, weights, tau) xc = xc / xa xc[idx] = 0 xx = spdiags(xc, 0, m, m) * xx return xx.flatten() def norm_l1nn_primal(x, weights): """Non-negative L1 gauge function Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Input array weights : {float, ndarray}, optional Weights Returns ------- p : float Norm """ if np.any(x < 0): p = np.inf else: p = np.linalg.norm(x * weights, 1) return p def norm_l1nn_dual(x, weights): """Dual of non-negative L1 gauge function Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Input array weights : {float, ndarray}, optional Weights Returns ------- p : float Norm """ xx = x.copy() xx[xx < 0] = 0 p = np.linalg.norm(xx/weights, np.inf) return p def norm_l1nn_project(x, weights, tau): """Projection onto the non-negative part of the one-norm ball Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Input array weights : {float, ndarray}, optional Weights tau : float Projection radius Returns ------- . : float Projected array """ xx = x.copy() xx[xx < 0] = 0 return _norm_l1_project(xx, weights, tau) def norm_l12nn_primal(g, x, weights): """Non-negative L1 norm with weighted input vector with number of groups equal to g Parameters ---------- g : int Number of groups x : ndarray Input array weights : {float, ndarray}, optional Weights Returns ------- nrm : float Group norm """ m = x.size // g if np.any(x < 0): nrm = np.inf else: xm = x.reshape(m, g) if np.iscomplexobj(x): xm = np.abs(xm) nrm = np.sum(weights*np.sqrt(np.sum(xm**2, axis=1))) return nrm def norm_l12nn_dual(g, x, weights): """Dual on non-legative L1L norm with weighted input vector with number of groups equal to g Parameters ---------- g : int Number of groups x : ndarray Input array weights : {float, ndarray}, optional Weights Returns ------- nrm : float Group norm """ m = x.size // g xx = x.copy() xx = xx.reshape(m, g) if np.iscomplexobj(xx): xx = np.abs(xx) xx[xx < 0] = 0 nrm = np.linalg.norm(np.sqrt(np.sum(xx ** 2, axis=1)) / weights, np.inf) return nrm def norm_l12nn_project(g, x, weights, tau): """Projection with number of groups equal to g Parameters ---------- g : int Number of groups x : ndarray Input array weights : {float, ndarray}, optional Weights tau : float Projection radius Returns ------- x : float Projected array """ xx = x.copy() if np.iscomplexobj(xx): xx = np.abs(xx) xx[xx < 0] = 0 return _norm_l12_project(g, xx, weights, tau) def _spg_line_curvy(x, g, fmax, A, b, project, weights, tau): """Projected backtracking linesearch. On entry, g is the (possibly scaled) steepest descent direction. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Input array g : ndarray Input gradient fmax : float Maximum residual norm A : {sparse matrix, ndarray, LinearOperator} Operator b : ndarray Data project : func, optional Projection function weights : {float, ndarray}, optional Weights ``W`` in ``||Wx||_1`` tau : float, optional Projection radium Returns ------- fnew : float Residual norm after linesearch projection xnew : ndarray Model after linesearch projection rnew : ndarray Residual after linesearch projection niters : int Number of iterations step : int Final step err : int Error flag timeproject : float Time in secs for projection timematprod : float Time in secs for matvec computations """ gamma = 1e-4 maxiters = 10 step = 1. snorm = 0. scale = 1. nsafe = 0 niters = 0 n = x.size timeproject = 0 timematprod = 0 while 1: # Evaluate trial point and function value. start_time_project = time.time() xnew = project(x - step*scale*g, weights, tau) timeproject += time.time() - start_time_project start_time_matprod = time.time() rnew = b - A.matvec(xnew) timematprod += time.time() - start_time_matprod fnew = np.abs(np.conj(rnew).dot(rnew)) / 2. s = xnew - x gts = scale * np.real(, s)) if gts >= 0: err = EXIT_NODESCENT_spgline break if fnew < fmax + gamma*step*gts: err = EXIT_CONVERGED_spgline break elif niters >= maxiters: err = EXIT_ITERATIONS_spgline break # New linesearch iteration. niters += 1 step /= 2. # Safeguard: If stepMax is huge, then even damped search # directions can give exactly the same point after projection. If # we observe this in adjacent iterations, we drastically damp the # next search direction. snormold = snorm snorm = np.linalg.norm(s) / np.sqrt(n) if abs(snorm - snormold) <= 1e-6 * snorm: gnorm = np.linalg.norm(g) / np.sqrt(n) scale = snorm / gnorm / (2.**nsafe) nsafe += 1. return fnew, xnew, rnew, niters, step, err, timeproject, timematprod def _spg_line(f, x, d, gtd, fmax, A, b): """Non-monotone linesearch. Parameters ---------- f : float Residual norm x : ndarray Input array d : float Difference between input array and proposed projected array gtd : float Dot product between gradient and d fmax : float Maximum residual norm A : {sparse matrix, ndarray, LinearOperator} Operator b : ndarray Data Returns ------- fnew : float Residual norm after linesearch projection xnew : ndarray Model after linesearch projection xnew : ndarray Residual after linesearch projection niters : int Number of iterations err : int Error flag timematprod : float Time in secs for matvec computations """ maxiters = 10 step = 1. niters = 0 gamma = 1e-4 gtd = -abs(gtd) timematprod = 0 while 1: # Evaluate trial point and function value. xnew = x + step*d start_time_matprod = time.time() rnew = b - A.matvec(xnew) timematprod += time.time() - start_time_matprod fnew = abs(np.conj(rnew).dot(rnew)) / 2. # Check exit conditions. if fnew < fmax + gamma*step*gtd: # Sufficient descent condition. err = EXIT_CONVERGED_spgline break elif niters >= maxiters: # Too many linesearch iterations. err = EXIT_ITERATIONS_spgline break # New line-search iteration. niters += 1 # Safeguarded quadratic interpolation. if step <= 0.1: step /= 2. else: tmp = (-gtd*step**2.) / (2*(fnew-f-step*gtd)) if tmp < 0.1 or tmp > 0.9*step or np.isnan(tmp): tmp = step / 2. step = tmp return fnew, xnew, rnew, niters, err, timematprod def _active_vars(x, g, nnz_idx, opttol, weights, dual_norm): """Find the current active set. Returns ------- nnz_x : int Number of nonzero elements in x. nnz_g : int Number of elements in nnz_idx. nnz_idx : array_like Vector of primal/dual indicators. nnz_diff : int Number of elements that changed in the support. """ xtol = min([.1, 10.*opttol]) gtol = min([.1, 10.*opttol]) gnorm = dual_norm(g, weights) nnz_old = nnz_idx # Reduced costs for positive and negative parts of x. z1 = gnorm + g z2 = gnorm - g # Primal/dual based indicators. xpos = (x > xtol) & (z1 < gtol) xneg = (x < -xtol) & (z2 < gtol) nnz_idx = xpos | xneg # Count is based on simple primal indicator. nnz_x = np.sum(np.abs(x) >= xtol) nnz_g = np.sum(nnz_idx) if nnz_old is None: nnz_diff = np.inf else: nnz_diff = np.sum(nnz_idx != nnz_old) return nnz_x, nnz_g, nnz_idx, nnz_diff
[docs]def spgl1(A, b, tau=0, sigma=0, x0=None, fid=None, verbosity=0, iter_lim=None, n_prev_vals=3, bp_tol=1e-6, ls_tol=1e-6, opt_tol=1e-4, dec_tol=1e-4, step_min=1e-16, step_max=1e5, active_set_niters=np.inf, subspace_min=False, iscomplex=False, max_matvec=np.inf, weights=None, project=_norm_l1_project, primal_norm=_norm_l1_primal, dual_norm=_norm_l1_dual): r"""SPGL1 solver. Solve basis pursuit (BP), basis pursuit denoise (BPDN), or LASSO problems [1]_ [2]_ depending on the choice of ``tau`` and ``sigma``:: (BP) minimize ||x||_1 subj. to Ax = b (BPDN) minimize ||x||_1 subj. to ||Ax-b||_2 <= sigma (LASSO) minimize ||Ax-b||_2 subj, to ||x||_1 <= tau The matrix ``A`` may be square or rectangular (over-determined or under-determined), and may have any rank. Parameters ---------- A : {sparse matrix, ndarray, LinearOperator} Representation of an m-by-n matrix. It is required that the linear operator can produce ``Ax`` and ``A^T x``. b : array_like, shape (m,) Right-hand side vector ``b``. tau : float, optional LASSO threshold. If different from ``None``, spgl1 solves LASSO problem sigma : float, optional BPDN threshold. If different from ``None``, spgl1 solves BPDN problem x0 : array_like, shape (n,), optional Initial guess of x, if None zeros are used. fid : file, optional File ID to direct log output, if None print on screen. verbosity : int, optional 0=quiet, 1=some output, 2=more output. iter_lim : int, optional Max. number of iterations (default if ``10*m``). n_prev_vals : int, optional Line-search history lenght. bp_tol : float, optional Tolerance for identifying a basis pursuit solution. ls_tol : float, optional Tolerance for least-squares solution. Iterations are stopped when the ratio between the dual norm of the gradient and the L2 norm of the residual becomes smaller or equal to ``ls_tol``. opt_tol : float, optional Optimality tolerance. More specifically, when using basis pursuit denoise, the optimility condition is met when the absolute difference between the L2 norm of the residual and the ``sigma`` is smaller than ``opt_tol``. dec_tol : float, optional Required relative change in primal objective for Newton. Larger ``decTol`` means more frequent Newton updates. step_min : float, optional Minimum spectral step. step_max : float, optional Maximum spectral step. active_set_niters : float, optional Maximum number of iterations where no change in support is tolerated. Exit with EXIT_ACTIVE_SET if no change is observed for ``activeSetIt`` iterations subspace_min : bool, optional Subspace minimization (``True``) or not (``False``) iscomplex : bool, optional Problem with complex variables (``True``) or not (``False``) max_matvec : int, optional Maximum matrix-vector multiplies allowed weights : {float, ndarray}, optional Weights ``W`` in ``||Wx||_1`` project : func, optional Projection function primal_norm : func, optional Primal norm evaluation fun dual_norm : func, optional Dual norm eval function Returns ------- x : array_like, shape (n,) Inverted model r : array_like, shape (m,) Final residual g : array_like, shape (h,) Final gradient info : dict Dictionary with the following information: ``tau``, final value of tau (see sigma above) ``rnorm``, two-norm of the optimal residual ``rgap``, relative duality gap (an optimality measure) ``gnorm``, Lagrange multiplier of (LASSO) ``stat``, ``1``: found a BPDN solution, ``2``: found a BP solution; exit based on small gradient, ``3``: found a BP solution; exit based on small residual, ``4``: found a LASSO solution, ``5``: error: too many iterations, ``6``: error: linesearch failed, ``7``: error: found suboptimal BP solution, ``8``: error: too many matrix-vector products ``niters``, number of iterations ``nProdA``, number of multiplications with A ``nProdAt``, number of multiplications with A' ``n_newton``, number of Newton steps ``time_project``, projection time (seconds) ``time_matprod``, matrix-vector multiplications time (seconds) ``time_total``, total solution time (seconds) ``niters_lsqr``, number of lsqr iterations (if ``subspace_min=True``) ``xnorm1``, L1-norm model solution history through iterations ``rnorm2``, L2-norm residual history through iterations ``lambdaa``, Lagrange multiplier history through iterations References ---------- .. [1] E. van den Berg and M. P. Friedlander, "Probing the Pareto frontier for basis pursuit solutions", SIAM J. on Scientific Computing, 31(2):890-912. (2008). .. [2] E. van den Berg and M. P. Friedlander, "Sparse optimization with least-squares constraints", Tech. Rep. TR-2010-02, Dept of Computer Science, Univ of British Columbia (2010). """ start_time = time.time() A = aslinearoperator(A) m, n = A.shape if tau == 0: single_tau = False else: single_tau = True if iter_lim is None: iter_lim = 10 * m max_line_errors = 10 # Maximum number of line-search failures. piv_tol = 1e-12 # Threshold for significant Newton step. max_matvec = max(3, max_matvec) # Max number of allowed matvec/rmatvec. # Initialize local variables. niters = 0 # Total SPGL1 iterations. niters_lsqr = 0 # Total LSQR iterations. nprodA = 0 # Number of matvec operations nprodAt = 0 # Number of rmatvec operations last_fv = np.full(10, -np.inf) # Last m function values. nline_tot = 0 # Total number of linesearch steps. print_tau = False n_newton = 0 # Number of Newton iterations bnorm = np.linalg.norm(b) stat = False time_project = 0 # Time spent in projections time_matprod = 0 # Time spent in matvec computations nnz_niters = 0 # No. of iterations with fixed pattern. nnz_idx = None # Active-set indicator. subspace = False # Flag if did subspace min in current itn. stepg = 1 # Step length for projected gradient. test_updatetau = False # Previous step did not update tau # Determine initial x and see if problem is complex realx = np.lib.isreal(A).all() and np.lib.isreal(b).all() if x0 is None: x = np.zeros(n, dtype=b.dtype) else: x = np.asarray(x0) # Override realx when iscomplex flag is set if iscomplex: realx = False # Check if all weights (if any) are strictly positive. In previous # versions we also checked if the number of weights was equal to # n. In the case of multiple measurement vectors, this no longer # needs to apply, so the check was removed. if weights is not None: if not np.isfinite(weights).all(): raise ValueError('Entries in weights must be finite') if np.any(weights <= 0): raise ValueError('Entries in weights must be strictly positive') else: weights = 1 # Quick exit if sigma >= ||b||. Set tau = 0 to short-circuit the loop. if bnorm <= sigma: logger.warning('W: sigma >= ||b||. Exact solution is x = 0.') tau = 0 single_tau = True # Do not do subspace minimization if x is complex. if not realx and subspace_min: logger.warning('W: Subspace minimization disabled when variables are complex.') subspace_min = False #% Pre-allocate iteration info vectors xnorm1 = np.zeros(min(iter_lim + 1, _allocSize)) rnorm2 = np.zeros(min(iter_lim + 1, _allocSize)) lambdaa = np.zeros(min(iter_lim + 1, _allocSize)) # Log header. if verbosity >= 1: _printf(fid, '') _printf(fid, '='*80+'') _printf(fid, 'SPGL1') _printf(fid, '='*80+'') _printf(fid, '%-22s: %8i %4s' % ('No. rows', m, '')) _printf(fid, '%-22s: %8i\n' % ('No. columns', n)) _printf(fid, '%-22s: %8.2e %4s' % ('Initial tau', tau, '')) _printf(fid, '%-22s: %8.2e\n' % ('Two-norm of b', bnorm)) _printf(fid, '%-22s: %8.2e %4s' % ('Optimality tol', opt_tol, '')) if single_tau: _printf(fid, '%-22s: %8.2e\n' % ('Target one-norm of x', tau)) else: _printf(fid, '%-22s: %8.2e\n' % ('Target objective', sigma)) _printf(fid, '%-22s: %8.2e %4s' % ('Basis pursuit tol', bp_tol, '')) _printf(fid, '%-22s: %8i\n' % ('Maximum iterations', iter_lim)) if verbosity >= 2: if single_tau: logb = '%5i %13.7e %13.7e %9.2e %6.1f %6i %6i %6s' logh = '%5s %13s %13s %9s %6s %6s %6s\n' _printf(fid, logh % ('iterr', 'Objective', 'Relative Gap', 'gnorm', 'stepg', 'nnz_x', 'nnz_g')) else: logb = '%5i %13.7e %13.7e %9.2e %9.3e %6.1f %6i %6i %6s' logh = '%5s %13s %13s %9s %9s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n' _printf(fid, logh % ('iterr', 'Objective', 'Relative Gap', 'Rel Error', 'gnorm', 'stepg', 'nnz_x', 'nnz_g', 'tau')) # Project the starting point and evaluate function and gradient. start_time_project = time.time() x = project(x, weights, tau) time_project += time.time() - start_time_project start_time_matvec = time.time() r = b - A.matvec(x) # r = b - Ax g = -A.rmatvec(r) # g = -A'r time_matprod += time.time() - start_time_matvec f = np.linalg.norm(r)**2 / 2. nprodA += 1 nprodAt += 1 # Required for nonmonotone strategy. last_fv[0] = f fbest = f xbest = x.copy() fold = f # Compute projected gradient direction and initial step length. start_time_project = time.time() dx = project(x - g, weights, tau) - x time_project += time.time() - start_time_project dxnorm = np.linalg.norm(dx, np.inf) if dxnorm < (1. / step_max): gstep = step_max else: gstep = min(step_max, max(step_min, 1. / dxnorm)) # Main iteration loop. while 1: # Test exit conditions. # Compute quantities needed for log and exit conditions. gnorm = dual_norm(-g, weights) rnorm = np.linalg.norm(r) gap =, r-b) + tau*gnorm rgap = abs(gap) / max(1., f) aerror1 = rnorm - sigma aerror2 = f - sigma**2. / 2. rerror1 = abs(aerror1) / max(1., rnorm) rerror2 = abs(aerror2) / max(1., f) #% Count number of consecutive iterations with identical support. nnz_old = nnz_idx nnz_x, nnz_g, nnz_idx, nnz_diff = _active_vars(x, g, nnz_idx, opt_tol, weights, dual_norm) if nnz_diff: nnz_niters = 0 else: nnz_niters += nnz_niters if nnz_niters+1 >= active_set_niters: stat = EXIT_ACTIVE_SET # Single tau: Check if were optimal. # The 2nd condition is there to guard against large tau. if single_tau: if rgap <= opt_tol or rnorm < opt_tol*bnorm: stat = EXIT_OPTIMAL else: # Multiple tau: Check if found root and/or if tau needs updating. # Test if a least-squares solution has been found if gnorm <= ls_tol * rnorm: stat = EXIT_LEAST_SQUARES if rgap <= max(opt_tol, rerror2) or rerror1 <= opt_tol: # The problem is nearly optimal for the current tau. # Check optimality of the current root. if rnorm <= sigma: stat = EXIT_SUBOPTIMAL_BP # Found suboptimal BP sol. if rerror1 <= opt_tol: stat = EXIT_ROOT_FOUND # Found approx root. if rnorm <= bp_tol * bnorm: stat = EXIT_BPSOL_FOUND # Resid minimzd -> BP sol. fchange = np.abs(f - fold) test_relchange1 = fchange <= dec_tol * f test_relcchange2 = fchange <= 1e-1 * f * (np.abs(rnorm - sigma)) test_updatetau = ((test_relchange1 and rnorm > 2 * sigma) or \ (test_relcchange2 and rnorm <= 2 * sigma)) and \ not stat and not test_updatetau if test_updatetau: # Update tau. tau_old = tau tau = max(0, tau + (rnorm * aerror1) / gnorm) n_newton += 1 print_tau = np.abs(tau_old - tau) >= 1e-6 * tau # For log only. if tau < tau_old: # The one-norm ball has decreased. Need to make sure that # the next iterate is feasible, which we do by projecting it. start_time_project = time.time() x = project(x, weights, tau) time_project += time.time() - start_time_project # Update the residual, gradient, and function value start_time_matvec = time.time() r = b - A.matvec(x) g = - A.rmatvec(r) time_matprod += time.time() - start_time_matvec f = np.linalg.norm(r) ** 2 / 2. nprodA += 1 nprodAt += 1 # Reset the function value history. last_fv = np.full(10, -np.inf) last_fv[1] = f # Too many iterations and not converged. if not stat and niters >= iter_lim: stat = EXIT_ITERATIONS # Print log, update history and act on exit conditions. if verbosity >= 2 and \ (((niters < 10) or (iter_lim - niters < 10) or (niters % 10 == 0)) or single_tau or print_tau or stat): tauflag = ' ' subflag = '' if print_tau: tauflag = ' %13.7e' %tau if subspace: subflag = ' S %2i' % niters_lsqr if single_tau: _printf(fid, logb %(niters, rnorm, rgap, gnorm, np.log10(stepg), nnz_x, nnz_g, subflag)) if subspace: _printf(fid, ' %s' % subflag) else: _printf(fid, logb %(niters, rnorm, rgap, rerror1, gnorm, np.log10(stepg), nnz_x, nnz_g, tauflag+subflag)) print_tau = False subspace = False # Update history info if niters > 0 and niters % _allocSize == 0: # enlarge allocation allocincrement = min(_allocSize, iter_lim-xnorm1.shape[0]) xnorm1 = np.hstack((xnorm1, np.zeros(allocincrement))) rnorm2 = np.hstack((rnorm2, np.zeros(allocincrement))) lambdaa = np.hstack((lambdaa, np.zeros(allocincrement))) xnorm1[niters] = primal_norm(x, weights) rnorm2[niters] = rnorm lambdaa[niters] = gnorm if stat: break # Iterations begin here. niters += 1 xold = x.copy() fold = f.copy() gold = g.copy() rold = r.copy() while 1: # Projected gradient step and linesearch. f, x, r, niter_line, stepg, lnerr, \ time_project_curvy, time_matprod_curvy = \ _spg_line_curvy(x, gstep*g, max(last_fv), A, b, project, weights, tau) time_project += time_project_curvy time_matprod += time_matprod_curvy nprodA += niter_line + 1 nline_tot += niter_line if nprodA + nprodAt > max_matvec: stat = EXIT_MATVEC_LIMIT break if lnerr: # Projected backtrack failed. # Retry with feasible dirn linesearch. x = xold.copy() f = fold start_time_project = time.time() dx = project(x - gstep*g, weights, tau) - x time_project += time.time() - start_time_project gtd =, dx) f, x, r, niter_line, lnerr, time_matprod = \ _spg_line(f, x, dx, gtd, max(last_fv), A, b) time_matprod += time_matprod nprodA += niter_line + 1 nline_tot += niter_line if nprodA + nprodAt > max_matvec: stat = EXIT_MATVEC_LIMIT break if lnerr: # Failed again. # Revert to previous iterates and damp max BB step. x = xold f = fold if max_line_errors <= 0: stat = EXIT_LINE_ERROR else: step_max = step_max / 10. logger.warning('Linesearch failed with error %s. ' 'Damping max BB scaling to %s', lnerr, step_max) max_line_errors -= 1 # Subspace minimization (only if active-set change is small). if subspace_min: start_time_matvec = time.time() g = - A.rmatvec(r) time_matprod += time.time() - start_time_matvec nprodAt += 1 nnz_x, nnz_g, nnz_idx, nnz_diff = \ _active_vars(x, g, nnz_old, opt_tol, weights, dual_norm) if not nnz_diff: if nnz_x == nnz_g: iter_lim_lsqr = 20 else: iter_lim_lsqr = 5 nnz_idx = np.abs(x) >= opt_tol ebar = np.sign(x[nnz_idx]) nebar = np.size(ebar) Sprod = _LSQRprod(A, nnz_idx, ebar, n) dxbar, istop, niters_lsqr = \ lsqr(Sprod, r, 1e-5, 1e-1, 1e-1, 1e12, iter_lim=iter_lim_lsqr, show=0)[0:3] nprodA += niters_lsqr nprodAt += niters_lsqr + 1 niters_lsqr = niters_lsqr + niters_lsqr # LSQR iterations successful. Take the subspace step. if istop != 4: # Push dx back into full space: dx = Z dx. dx = np.zeros(n, dtype=x.dtype) dx[nnz_idx] = \ dxbar - (1/nebar)*, dxbar), dxbar) # Find largest step to a change in sign. block1 = nnz_idx & (x < 0) & (dx > +piv_tol) block2 = nnz_idx & (x > 0) & (dx < -piv_tol) alpha1 = np.inf alpha2 = np.inf if np.any(block1): alpha1 = min(-x[block1] / dx[block1]) if np.any(block2): alpha2 = min(-x[block2] / dx[block2]) alpha = min([1, alpha1, alpha2]) if alpha < 0: raise ValueError('Alpha smaller than zero') if, dx[nnz_idx]) > opt_tol: raise ValueError('Subspace update signed sum ' 'bigger than tolerance') # Update variables. x = x + alpha*dx start_time_matvec = time.time() r = b - A.matvec(x) time_matprod += time.time() - start_time_matvec f = abs(, r)) / 2. subspace = True nprodA += 1 if primal_norm(x, weights) > tau + opt_tol: raise ValueError('Primal norm out of bound') # Update gradient and compute new Barzilai-Borwein scaling. if not lnerr: start_time_matvec = time.time() g = - A.rmatvec(r) time_matprod += time.time() - start_time_matvec nprodAt += 1 s = x - xold y = g - gold sts =, s) sty =, y) if sty <= 0: gstep = step_max else: gstep = min(step_max, max(step_min, sts / sty)) else: gstep = min(step_max, gstep) break # Leave while loop. This is done to allow stopping the # computations at any time within the loop if max_matvec is # reached. If this is not the case, the loop is stopped here. if stat == EXIT_MATVEC_LIMIT: niters -= 1 x = xold.copy() f = fold g = gold.copy() r = rold.copy() break # Update function history. if single_tau or f > sigma**2 / 2.: # Dont update if superoptimal. last_fv[np.mod(niters, n_prev_vals)] = f.copy() if fbest > f: fbest = f.copy() xbest = x.copy() # Restore best solution (only if solving single problem). if single_tau and f > fbest: rnorm = np.sqrt(2.*fbest) print('Restoring best iterate to objective '+str(rnorm)) x = xbest.copy() start_time_matvec = time.time() r = b - A.matvec(x) g = - A.rmatvec(r) time_matprod += time.time() - start_time_matvec gnorm = dual_norm(g, weights) rnorm = np.linalg.norm(r) nprodA += 1 nprodAt += 1 # Final cleanup before exit. info = {} info['tau'] = tau info['rnorm'] = rnorm info['rgap'] = rgap info['gnorm'] = gnorm info['stat'] = stat info['niters'] = niters info['nprodA'] = nprodA info['nprodAt'] = nprodAt info['n_newton'] = n_newton info['time_project'] = time_project info['time_matprod'] = time_matprod info['niters_lsqr'] = niters_lsqr info['time_total'] = time.time() - start_time info['xnorm1'] = xnorm1[0:niters] info['rnorm2'] = rnorm2[0:niters] info['lambdaa'] = lambdaa[0:niters] # Print final output. if verbosity >= 1: _printf(fid, '') if stat == EXIT_OPTIMAL: _printf(fid, 'EXIT -- Optimal solution found') elif stat == EXIT_ITERATIONS: _printf(fid, 'ERROR EXIT -- Too many iterations') elif stat == EXIT_ROOT_FOUND: _printf(fid, 'EXIT -- Found a root') elif stat == EXIT_BPSOL_FOUND: _printf(fid, 'EXIT -- Found a BP solution') elif stat == EXIT_LEAST_SQUARES: _printf(fid, 'EXIT -- Found a least-squares solution') elif stat == EXIT_LINE_ERROR: _printf(fid, 'ERROR EXIT -- Linesearch error (%d)' % lnerr) elif stat == EXIT_SUBOPTIMAL_BP: _printf(fid, 'EXIT -- Found a suboptimal BP solution') elif stat == EXIT_MATVEC_LIMIT: _printf(fid, 'EXIT -- Maximum matrix-vector operations reached') elif stat == EXIT_ACTIVE_SET: _printf(fid, 'EXIT -- Found a possible active set') else: _printf(fid, 'SPGL1 ERROR: Unknown termination condition') _printf(fid, '') _printf(fid, '%-20s: %6i %6s %-20s: %6.1f' % ('Products with A', nprodA, '', 'Total time (secs)', info['time_total'])) _printf(fid, '%-20s: %6i %6s %-20s: %6.1f' % ('Products with A^H', nprodAt, '', 'Project time (secs)', info['time_project'])) _printf(fid, '%-20s: %6i %6s %-20s: %6.1f' % ('Newton iterations', n_newton, '', 'Mat-vec time (secs)', info['time_matprod'])) _printf(fid, '%-20s: %6i %6s %-20s: %6i' % ('Line search its', nline_tot, '', 'Subspace iterations', niters_lsqr)) return x, r, g, info
[docs]def spg_bp(A, b, **kwargs): """Basis pursuit (BP) problem. ``spg_bp`` is designed to solve the basis pursuit problem:: (BP) minimize ||x||_1 subject to Ax = b, where ``A`` is an M-by-N matrix, ``b`` is an M-vector. ``A`` can be an explicit M-by-N matrix or a :class:`scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator`. This is equivalent to calling ``spgl1(A, b, tau=0, sigma=0) Parameters ---------- A : {sparse matrix, ndarray, LinearOperator} Representation of an m-by-n matrix. It is required that the linear operator can produce ``Ax`` and ``A^T x``. b : array_like, shape (m,) Right-hand side vector ``b``. kwargs : dict, optional Additional input parameters (refer to :func:`spgl1.spgl1` for a list of possible parameters) Returns ------- x : array_like, shape (n,) Inverted model r : array_like, shape (m,) Final residual g : array_like, shape (h,) Final gradient info : dict See splg1. """ sigma = 0 tau = 0 x0 = None x, r, g, info = spgl1(A, b, tau, sigma, x0, **kwargs) return x, r, g, info
[docs]def spg_bpdn(A, b, sigma, **kwargs): """Basis pursuit denoise (BPDN) problem. ``spg_bpdn`` is designed to solve the basis pursuit denoise problem:: (BPDN) minimize ||x||_1 subject to ||A x - b|| <= sigma where ``A`` is an M-by-N matrix, ``b`` is an M-vector. ``A`` can be an explicit M-by-N matrix or a :class:`scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator`. This is equivalent to calling ``spgl1(A, b, tau=0, sigma=sigma) Parameters ---------- A : {sparse matrix, ndarray, LinearOperator} Representation of an m-by-n matrix. It is required that the linear operator can produce ``Ax`` and ``A^T x``. b : array_like, shape (m,) Right-hand side vector ``b``. kwargs : dict, optional Additional input parameters (refer to :func:`spgl1.spgl1` for a list of possible parameters) Returns ------- x : array_like, shape (n,) Inverted model r : array_like, shape (m,) Final residual g : array_like, shape (h,) Final gradient info : dict See spgl1. """ tau = 0 x0 = None x, r, g, info = spgl1(A, b, tau, sigma, x0, **kwargs) return x, r, g, info
[docs]def spg_lasso(A, b, tau, **kwargs): """LASSO problem. ``spg_lasso`` is designed to solve the Lasso problem:: (LASSO) minimize ||Ax - b||_2 subject to ||x||_1 <= tau where ``A`` is an M-by-N matrix, ``b`` is an M-vector. ``A`` can be an explicit M-by-N matrix or a :class:`scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator`. This is equivalent to calling ``spgl1(A, b, tau=tau, sigma=0) Parameters ---------- A : {sparse matrix, ndarray, LinearOperator} Representation of an m-by-n matrix. It is required that the linear operator can produce ``Ax`` and ``A^T x``. b : array_like, shape (m,) Right-hand side vector ``b``. kwargs : dict, optional Additional input parameters (refer to :func:`spgl1.spgl1` for a list of possible parameters) Returns ------- x : array_like, shape (n,) Inverted model r : array_like, shape (m,) Final residual g : array_like, shape (h,) Final gradient info : dict See spgl1. """ sigma = 0 x0 = None x, r, g, info = spgl1(A, b, tau, sigma, x0, **kwargs) return x, r, g, info
[docs]def spg_mmv(A, B, sigma=0, **kwargs): """MMV problem. ``spg_mmv`` is designed to solve the multi-measurement vector basis pursuit denoise:: (MMV) minimize ||X||_1,2 subject to ||A X - B||_2,2 <= sigma where ``A`` is an M-by-N matrix, ``b`` is an M-by-G matrix, and ```sigma`` is a nonnegative scalar. ``A`` can be an explicit M-by-N matrix or a :class:`scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator`. Parameters ---------- A : {sparse matrix, ndarray, LinearOperator} Representation of an M-by-N matrix. It is required that the linear operator can produce ``Ax`` and ``A^T x``. b : array_like, shape (m,) Right-hand side matrix ``b`` of size M-by-G. sigma : float, optional BPDN threshold. If different from ``None``, spgl1 solves BPDN problem kwargs : dict, optional Additional input parameters (refer to :func:`spgl1.spgl1` for a list of possible parameters) Returns ------- x : array_like, shape (n,) Inverted model r : array_like, shape (m,) Final residual g : array_like, shape (h,) Final gradient info : dict See spgl1. """ A = aslinearoperator(A) m, n = A.shape groups = B.shape[1] A = _blockdiag(A, m, n, groups) # Set projection specific functions _primal_norm = _norm_l12_primal if 'primal_norm' not in kwargs.keys() \ else kwargs['primal_norm'] _dual_norm = _norm_l12_dual if 'dual_norm' not in kwargs.keys() \ else kwargs['dual_norm'] _project = _norm_l12_project if 'project' not in kwargs.keys() \ else kwargs['project'] kwargs.pop('primal_norm', None) kwargs.pop('dual_norm', None) kwargs.pop('project', None) project = lambda x, weight, tau: _project(groups, x, weight, tau) primal_norm = lambda x, weight: _primal_norm(groups, x, weight) dual_norm = lambda x, weight: _dual_norm(groups, x, weight) tau = 0 x0 = None x, r, g, info = spgl1(A, B.ravel(), tau, sigma, x0, project=project, primal_norm=primal_norm, dual_norm=dual_norm, **kwargs) x = x.reshape(n, groups) g = g.reshape(n, groups) return x, r, g, info